Thursday, August 7, 2008

Calling them out of the Sky.Seagulls.1.1999

Seagulls coming in for a landing... readying to dropdown. Everyone wants dinner now! Nov. 21, 1999 coast of NC.

Read more about the incredible "air ballet" four gulls did for an hour and a a half, landing on my arm to take bread out of my hand. These first four were the most special birds I have ever had the privilege to "know." they were true ballet dancers of the sky. Some say they were the scouts. They restored my faith in the world when all seemed lost at the time.

Be aware that seagulls can be aggressive. Later on when I was sitting down and feeding "the mob," the bullies began to attack when I ran out of food. Shades of Tippie Hendron and Alfred Hitchcock... so stay upright with plenty of food if you want to try this on your own!

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