Monday, July 7, 2008

Lonely are the Brave

By Carlos Serrano (Coco), Trek Earth, Easter in Spain
Date: 2006-04-12.

"It was the 1962 year.
The 20th Century Fox make a movie with Kirk Douglas called “Lonely are the brave”.
It was one of the first big steps of the film music Jerry Goldsmith.
Some one said about him, that the film was horrible, but the music not only was the best of the film: was really a very good music.
Bernard Herrmann was who said it.
Here, a lonely and brave tree, very near of the path of Robledo, is just in the begin of Robledo.
Look what colours.
Look the long shadow of the tree, almost out of the photo.
I hope you like it.
Also two WS."

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